“Cyboogie” – King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
Originally published by Alt Citizen
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard are ridiculously prolific, churning out album after album of completely bizarre mindfucks that consistently defy expectations and achieve high marks from both critics and their extremely die-hard fans. Like their American counterparts Thee Oh Sees, King Gizz is known for angular guitars, motorik percussion, and a penchant for science fiction and Lovecraftian horror, a framework they’re operated pretty consistently within for the better part of their catalog.
Enter “Cyboogie,” a brand new single that goes hard into krautrock territory casting the band as a group of paranoid androids existing halfway between Kraftwerk and Flight Of The Conchords with a healthy dose of soft focus lens work that pays some serious homage to Giorgio Moroder. So far hardcore Gizz fans have been pretty split over the whole thing, but after thirteen albums sometimes the best way to keep from losing your edge is to sell your guitars and buy synthesizers. I, for one, welcome our new(ly) robotic overlords.