Originally published by Alt Citizen
Altered States was an episodic web series created by Grace Eire, produced by myself, and developed in partnership with videographer Molly Mary O'Brien for Alt Citizen.
Check out the episode below featuring Miranda and The Beat answering the tough questions
Words by Grace Eire
If you’re most likely to, take a shot… Miranda and the Beat took that prompt super-seriously, nearly wiping out the tequila before we could get to THICK or Bethlehem Steel (S3 spoiler!)’s interviews for episode two of Altered States.
Bringing along their own 7-11 hot dog, which I don’t know where they found it as there is no 7-11 near my place, as well as some Ritz crackers to soak up the booze, this band definitely started off this series taking no prisoners. They came dressed to both impress and party. Somehow, they managed to go and play a midnight show after this.
Watch the whole thing below and follow them here, and listen here.