Taking shots with THICK: Altered States S1 E1
Originally published by Alt Citizen
Altered States was an episodic web series created by Grace Eire, produced by myself, and developed in partnership with videographer Molly Mary O'Brien for Alt Citizen.
Check out the episode below featuring THICK answering the tough questions
Words by Grace Eire
THICK is one of Brooklyn’s best party bands guaranteed to deliver a set you’ll remember for years to come – maybe because of how much fun you had, or maybe because of the scar you got tossing yourself around in their pit. Or maybe you’ll barely remember it at all, also because of how much fun you had. Because of that, some very exciting announcements to follow this week, and their show at Rough Trade this Wednesday, they seemed like the only option to kick off our new video series/drinking game/party, Altered States!
We asked Kate, Nikki, and Shari who was most likely to do or be something, and if the answer was unanimous, the guilty party had to take a shot of tequila or whiskey (or water if that’s what they were comfortable with because we support you in however you choose to live your life and there’s no peer pressure here!!!). This was all after a couple of rounds of flip cup in the back yard that started at the appropriate and acceptable hour of 5PM. That being said it was a super early night for all of us, but THICK were the first to arrive and last to leave and every second was an absolute and utter joy.
With no further adieu, welcome to Altered States.