Warrior Queen - High N' Heavy
Originally published by Alt Citizen
Just for the record, I was not high when I listened to the new album from High N’ Heavy, but I wouldn’t begrudge you for taking a couple hits while you do. It’s not required, but it will definitely help you get into the right mindset. Warrior Queen is their fourth studio album and from the vintage paperback fantasy novel inspired cover design from Barcelona based heavy hitter Branca Studio all the way down through the album’s eight fantastically produced and colossally heavy tracks it’s abundantly clear that High N’ Heavy aren’t fucking around anymore. This is a mission statement, a flag firmly planted on the field of battle behind which legions of heavy music fans are called to rally behind. "Shield Maiden" is a stand out track; slow and doomy riffs elevated by spooky synths that separate the band’s sound from that of their bearded brethren and wailing vocals worshipping the prototypical heavy metal ride-or-die, the beautiful and deadly shield maiden fearlessly charging into battle against the barbarian hordes.
So drop the needle on this LP while rolling out a joint on the D&D board and get lost in High N’ Heavy’s medieval mysticism, or stream it through your earbuds on the train to your 9-to-5 to psych yourself up for the big meeting. Either way, your Warrior Queen rides beside you to victory.